Hi Chuck,
You nailed my main influences perfectly. I had the pleasure of playing cobra a few years ago with Wayne Horvitz (Zorn was suppose to conduct but couldn't come because of the border) and I recently attended a workshop by Butch Morris. Just takes some of those ideas and finds a way to transmit them via the internet.
I like it. It's not too dissimilar to Butch Morris' "Conduction" or John Zorn's conducted improv pieces... nice work!!
-Chuck Zwicky
Hi Loopers,
It has been a long time since I've posted. My MFA has been keeping me busy but I am almost done.
While some of you know my looping software - Kenaxis - I thought you might be interested in another software/improvised music game that I've created. While not directly related to looping - it does have looping as one of its options and for many of you improv is part of the looping aesthetic. Its also coded in Max/MSP which some of you dabble with.
The software controls LED lights that are placed in front of musicians and triggered by a conductor either locally or via the internet. I had Pauline Oliveros in Oslo, Lisle Ellis in New York, John Oswald in Toronto and Paul Cram in Halifax all controlling a large improvising ensemble in Vancouver, BC.
The video makes it a lot easier to understand how it works.