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RE: semi OT - Guitar Synths

Hi Paul,
I bought the complete thing for abut £120 or so - can't quite remember. I figured that soldering up the 2 13 pin sockets would be a major pain for my limited soldering skills. The guy that makes them, (Bill Baxendale) is very friendly and well into what he's doing. His B.O.B is much cheaper that the rme Fan out box. Apparently my modification is part of the new versions of his breakout box now :-) 

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 23:16:32 -0400
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
From: phaslem@wightman.ca
Subject: RE: semi OT - Guitar Synths

Hi Gareth,

This breakout box is quite interesting, did you buy a complete box or did you build it from a kit? How much do they cost?


Paul Haslem,
Ontario, Canada

At 03:32 PM 6/17/2010, you wrote:
Hi Bill,
The hexpander is the ghost system here: http://www.graphtech.com/products.html?SubCategoryID=15
I'm actually splitting the signal from it using a breakout box that I modified http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBOQxG885vc
      This allows me to send each string into a different input of my soundcard for hex processing while getting midi output. I'm getting into Berlin School type sequencing from the guitar with this latest piece. The accuracy of this particular style dictates that I use input quantisation, (even without allowing for midi delay, my playing is not accurate enough).
      Energy Xt is a bit of a strange one. Version 1 has a really nice, modular live mode where you can trigger sequences, audio clips, midi and notes envelopes either from which notes you play, (so you could do a run up and when you hit a high G for instance an event happens), or fire events from your pedal controller, (or both). Curiously the developer of Energy XT has moved on to version 2 which doesn't have this feature at all... so I don't use the latest version. I'm running this in Audiomulch as a plugin. It has great potential but many many many, (I won't ever say too many) possibilities.
On the latency side, I've been spending so much time with this system recently that my playing compensates for it rather like you do when using the volume control to swell guitar notes in, (though the time delay is a lot less). When you think about it, your brain starts to move your hand before you want to hear the notes on a guitar, drums etc. It's just a process that needs to be learned - the rewards are well worth time spent on it for me.
Sorry to be so long winded, must e the excitement  - whew!


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