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Re: SUB CITY 2064


I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Even though we have never met, you have been a big influence on me for looping and music. Many thanks for being so gracious to share your experience and wisdom with us newbies, you are my 'favorite professor'.

Best Regards,

From: Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com>

Ah, monster thanks to all you LD guys! I just came back from The Black
Hole of Anesthesia to read these lovely news on my favorite mailing
list! :-))  And guess what - I now have a LOOP ;-) on my belly
(temporary stoma). Yesterday a surgeon removed a cancer tumor and set
up the loop to easy pressure on the repaired intestinal part until
mended. By a lucky coincidence eleven weeks ago I just happened to
notice the lurking intruder. Boy what scary luck...

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com internet music hub