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Re: Great Quote about Looping by Brian Eno

From: "Mark Showalter" <folkstone57@operamail.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 10:09 PM
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Subject: Re: Great Quote about Looping by Brian Eno

>> "Artists who don't censor their own work: Picasso, Miles Davis,
>> Prince. They're all people who just put it out, and have almost no
>> critical self-censorship. They say, "Let the market decide; let the
>> world decide." You might not be the best person to judge it.
>> That's a kind of humility, actually: it's a mixture of arrogance,
>> which says, "I know I'm @#$ good." But a humility, which says,
>> "I'm not the person to decide."
>>                                                 Brian Eno
> Hello,
> To me this is almost on the edge of despair. I don't know of anyone who 
> simply plays what they play & then puts it out on the market as these 
> artists claim to do. Picasso did censor his own output as he is said to 
> have burned some of his work. As far as the two musical artists 
> I have a hard time believing they simply walked into the studio, had a 
> single go at a track & moved on. They never had a string break or a 
> mouthpiece work loose or go out of adjustment? This is in the same genre 
> as the Mozart claim that he wrote everything right out of his head & 
> edited his compositions, which is pure myth.

I don't know if that's what Eno was saying... Censoring ones own work is 
necessary because one desires to show the best of what can produce in a 
given situation.  I don't think he meant that Prince just spits it out and 
There It Is, of course.  But I can attest to overly censoring my early 
in the perhaps false belief that it was too 'poppy' or obviously 
well to me anyway at the time.  It was a mistake to obliterate those 
recordings over twenty years ago.  Some pieces of them come up in memory 
while playing, though.  Archive, archive, archive.  So the self-censorship 
thing can be a very bad thing if put to such an extreme.

Just my 2c.
Stephen Goodman
EarthLight Productions