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Re: question regarding programming the fcb1010 for the EDP

Bah, I'm an idiot... Nevermind I got it working, I think...

I'm just too impatient and not holding the FCB buttons down long enough...



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "d.nix" <d.nix@comcast.net>
To: <mark@markfrancombe.com>
Cc: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 5:57 PM
Subject: question regarding programming the fcb1010 for the EDP

> Hello Mark-
> You posted this link on the Loopers Delight mail list, thank you very
> much...
> http://www.markfrancombe.com/wordpress/?p=593
> However I find that I'm not getting the behavior you describe in the
> on assigning note numbers to pedals. I wonder if you could elaborate a
> or point out where I'm getting it wrong...
> Assigning Note numbers to pedals for the EDP functions. (Performed once
> EDP function required)
> 0. Choose the pedal you wish to give a function to
> I want button #1 to be Record, so I select it... the LED on the switch
> lights up, the switch1 red LED up top lights up, the display reads '00',
> the two expression pedal LEDs are lit.
> 1. Press and hold DOWN button (to edit)
> The LED on button#1 stays lit, the green led blinks, no numerical 
> no expression leds lit.
> 2. Press UP once (to pass another function we dont need)
> button#1, #8,#9 & #10 LED's lit up, the 'select' LED is lit, nothing else
> lights...
> 3. Now all lights should be OFF except for the one we want, that it 10.
> uh,  see above... button#1, #8,#9 & #10 LED's lit up, the 'select' LED is
> lit... This is where I get stumped and cant get any farther in the
> process...
> Any assistance would be helpful... I'm a bit of a MIDI-phobe as it is, 
> this isnt helping my situation... Your instructions looked very cut and
> and simple to understand, but I'm not seeing the same behavior as you
> described. Fow what it's worth, my FCB1010 is brand new, and has the
> 2.5 eprom chip, and my EDP is the latest rev running Loop4, 1.1.
> Thanks!
> Dave Nix
> 4. Press and hold pedals to switch lights off, and press and hold the 10
> button to switch it ON. (The 10 button denotes the use of the Note Number
> function)
> 5. Briefly press the 10 button to choose it for editing, it should flash.
> 6. Press up (to edit)
> 7. choose the EDP function number PLUS your offset number, using the
> Expression pedal A.