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Re: Electron Octatrack

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:55 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 
>> "your captured loops will immediately be time stretched to the BPM of 
>> Octatrack."
>>    Can that feature be switched off?
>> this is the same as repeater, and you cant switch that off...  its a 
>> it stretches to fit the bpm... thats what I took that to mean...
> I thought you *could* switch that off in the Repeater.

The Repeater offers "the CC#14 trick" which means that if you feed it
MIDI CC#14 (or equivalent parameter if the CC number changed with the
software upgrade) two things happen simultaneously: Time-stretching is
applied and pitch-shifting is applied. The funny thing is that these
two processor demanding processes are applied in order to simulate the
classic rate shifting "varispeed" of early samplers. In Mobius this
oldschool sound is called Rate Shift, in the EDP it's called "speed"
and I think Os calls it "speed" also in the Augustus Loop. But in
these oldschool loopers rate shifting uses practically no extra CPU
while the CC#14 trick almost bogs down the Repeater.

I think the Repeater would come in handy today if lined up as tempo
slave to Mobius. I think so because Mobius is the only looper I know
that offers the user to set a max tempo and a minimum tempo to be
calculated by the first loop you record. When I used to slave the
Repeater to the EDP I often ran into problems if the tempo got too
fast, as when starting out a session with making a short loop on the
EDP. The Repeater then malfunctioned because it could process data in
time. I feel very happy today with software available that may let us
stay free from such classic issues.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com internet music hub