whoo hoo! Me too, I am bringing one of my 2
Retrorockets, I also have an old Decade.
you da man! Hopefully we will both get there
gear/axe's intact :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:21
Subject: Re: taking a Pedalboard full of
pedals on the plane
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Jeff Duke <jeff_d@embarqmail.com>
don't know where I could borrow a sustainor equipped
axe From me? Except mines a fernandes...
-- mark francombe www.markfrancombe.com www.ordoabkhao.com twitter
@markfrancombe http://vimeo.com/user825094 http://www.looop.no