cool! a rare thing, matthias accompanied by electronic percussion. what's that? the korg wavedrum?
2010/10/19 Kris Hartung <>
Very nice!
----- Original Message -----
I still hang on to my idea of having the most popular 3 minutes of each artist to create a panorama for the worlds music listeners and curious about LiveLooping
so we made a start and edited our "Cherli" ( a swiss expression for a simple chord change )
apart from one cut, is all live:
does somebody have the video that matches it?
have fun
Matthias + Tim
I bé, després estava aquella dona que sense saber que estava il.luminada, exclamava: "O siga, que he pagat per aquesta merda de màquina i resulta que ni tan sols em diu si sóc un Buda o no, òsties!, no podien posar-li una agulla , o que pitara, o alguna cosa així? " ·