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RE: mobius scripters...help please.... :O)

> no matter what i do, i cant seem to get rate shifts and reverse to

> quantise to the loop cycle...they always happen instantly. would i

> need to use a small script using the wait last command to make this

> happen?


The scripts Per posted will work, but can also just set the Quantize

preset parameter to Cycle, Subcycle, or Loop.  If you can live

with having a single quantization value for all functions then

this is all you need.


The problem a lot of people have with the Quantize parameter is that

they want different quantization for each function.  For example you

might want cycle quantized Reverse you might not want

any quantization on Replace.


Using scripts you can change the effective quantization for any function

but it can be a bit tedious to set up.  Start by determining if there

is a quantization setting you would use most of the time and

set the Quantize parameter to that value.  Then for each function you

want to have a different quantization setting write a script like

this (Per's example):


   !name Cycle Quant Reverse

   Wait cycle



or this slightly more complicated example:


   !name Cycle Quant Reverse

   Variable saveQuantize quantize

   set quantize cycle


   set quantize saveQuantize


The difference between these is subtle and has to do with latency

compensation.  In the first example output latency compensation can't

be done because we've waited until exactly the cycle boundary before

starting to process the change in direction.  In the second example we

temporarily override the quantization setting rather than waiting,

this allows us to schedule the Reverse function ahead of time so that

latency compensation can be performed.


In practice if you're using an audio device with low latency you

probably won't notice the difference. 

