From: mark francombe <>
Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 9:16:08 PM
Subject: Re: (OT) REJECTING MASS MEDIA CULTURE (Was Re: Epic Octatrack Performance Sampler Teaser....
I think we're side-stepping a issue that we don't like the taste of actually.
Blaming it all on TV? Isnt that all a bit old news... surely this "I want it all and I want it NOW" generation has spun out of control because of the..
deep breath... I N T E R N E T...
Thats the real evil I'm terribly sorry to say. Of course we dont want to admit it, none of us would be friends if it want for the net, but the idea that one can get anything, any product is within a shipping date, with tracking number... any information, (I wanted to know where the source of the ezpression "the real Mc Coy " came from today.. I found out.. in 3 seconds...) OK its good to have all this information at our fingertips... isn't it? Maybe not, maybe we dont have to retain knowledge anymore, maybe we don't have to think? if only I could have my computer in my pocket.. oh wait.. I can... What IS that song onthe radio.. I remember it... but... Ahhh Shazam it.. finished with.. it was Blur... problem solved... song forgotten...again... And film, downloadable in minutes... lets not bother going out at all, whats the point?, why bother watching TV, when we can MAKE TV! Why bother reading informed opinion, when we can read the opinion of millions...?
Im absolutely the worst.. right now, my wife is setting up the cards for a game of Dominion, I have said "just a minute!" twice now...
I'd like to believe that the 60's were the ideals that tED feels we have lost, but its not really true is it, ok so a handful of actuvists made a large noise about love and peace... Of course I was only just bor, maybe it felt different to those who live through it, but for me the 60's just looks like these shambolic idiotic idiots posing.. have any of you read Timothy Leary? Utter clap trap... Sorry but the hippy ideals leave me shivering as I think of the amount of drug crazed kids dropping out, girls getting raped cos it wasnt cool to say no... Of course it spawned some of the greatest music ever, Beatles, Hendrix, Velvets, Floyd, none could have happened at any other time...
Historically speaking of course, the 60's were a milestone, the babyboomers getting up and saying, Fuck you to their parents, look how well YOU guys did with 2 world wars, Im sure we can do better, but the total freedom that they advocated was just not there... an illusion. The period bookmarked by 2 events that prove it, The shooting of JFK and Vietnam... Everything in between was marketing, pure and simple.
I think I might have been rambling now... so shoot me...
Going to play cards with the wife...
Night night
mark francombe
www.markfrancombe.comwww.ordoabkhao.comtwitter @markfrancombe