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mobius questions

Recently converted to the laptop processing/ looping/ recording world  
- 15" MacbookPro running Ableton Live.  Just downloaded and am  
checking out Mobius as a stand alone looper.  Must say it's a  
fantastic program that runs effortlessly.  Learning the interface and  
have done some midi mapping - Logidy UM13/ ev5 pedals - no brainer  
setting up.  My looping needs are quite simple though given the depth  
of the program I'm sure they'll become more sophisticated. A couple  
questions for Jeff/ Mobius loopers:  How does one donate to help  
support the project - I know it's free but just the same.... and how  
does one participate in the forums - seems the sign up button is  
disabled?  Thanks. - Paul (<< http://soundcloud/r369improv >>)