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Re: So, what new gear did Santa bring you?

Per Boysen schrieb:
> Rainer, I too have one of those modules. Isn't it a great synth! Mine
> runs on direct 210 v standard power though. But its volume pot is
> crackling so when using it I need to wiggle that pot to find a non
> crackling state and record it ASAP
Mine does also run on standard power - I'm talking about its built-in 
transformer. The power path goes:
voltage selector + EMC capacitors
main board (including rectifier)

Now the transformer here is the culprit, as discussions in some web 
forums (e.g. gearslutz) show - it seems that it's a problem with that 
specific device in combination with the installation. So a different 
transformer would be cool.

But apart from that, a wonderful synth, yes. It's fun to look at the 
development of Oberheim's Matrix family - which obviously was influenced 
by the swing towards digital synthesis, and hence the need for Oberheim 
to offer affordable offshoots of their big guns (i.e. Matrix 12 -> 
Xpander -> Matrix 6 -> Matrix 1000).

I've always been interested in synths with complex modulation routing 
possibilities (which, at that time, neither the digital nor the 
non-modular analog synths could do), and the Matrix really shines in 
that domain. Plus, it's got the "Oberheim Sound" (and as it's Oberheim, 
it is possibly even mildly on-topic here ;).

Btw, the issue with the volume pot should be an easy one to fix: the 
synth is openend by removing a total of nine Philips screws (3 each 
left, right and back), and then you got access to the thing - so it 
should be easy to determine the type of pot installed (it's not soldered 
to the mainboard if I remember correctly, rather attached with wires), 
get a generic replacement part and off you go.

It's harder with the transformer, because the replacement part is not 

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