Very well said Todd. Happy New Year ya'll!! Been so fired up from all this cool discussion been loopin so much got a blistah on me big toe!!! Andy Owens 1-800-AndyOwens Sent from my iPhone So the typing might not be my best!
Ted, Rick, Mark, Andy, Bill, all....
If I might dip my toe into this puddle...
The other side of this human nature coin you cite, Ted, and which I'm always happy to see on this list, is simple passion.
Evangelism so often gets a bad rap, and having come from an evangelistic, passionate family (religious in nature), I've had to learn to be aware of when to stop, even though my own evangelistic tendencies have turned away from religious ideas, the place where Evangelism so easily thrives. I recognize myself in this EDP/LP-1 conversation or equivalent ones, so eager to share what I think is a rewarding idea or point of view. Frankly, when I see the passion with which people on our list share their methods, their gear, it makes me nothing but happy. When I see the conversation heated but respectful, then I'm filled with... um... respect.
We've got lots of passionate folks on this list and when they do throw down the conversation most likely escalates, but I must say in a good way these days. I remember a few years ago when convos would degenerate so quickly and become personal. Knock on wood, this happens much less frequently these days. What happens instead are these impassioned sharings where I see the "but... but... if you'd only give this a chance" thing happening.
Of course, at some point one or the other has to say, "okay, I get it, conversation over, this is my choice and I've said enough, explored this enough", but until that time the passion excites the list and promotes inclusion in the conversation.
Of course, now it's making me wanna buy a looperlative instead of an iPad, but this is my own internal spiritual struggle, lol.
My dos pesos.
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 12:51 PM, tEd ® kiLLiAn <> wrote:
Hey there Mark,
It's totally okay if you like the EDP.
A carpenter will like one hammer over another for some obscure, essoteric, personal reason (often very far outside the knowledge of other users) or for reasons that it simpley works, lasts a long time, is cheap, or is the kind they've always used (and why mess with a good thing); or again, simply because their father used one just like it . . . or even more weirdly, it may not even work as well but they are "in love" with the way it looks (bigger, chrome-plated, more "manly," etc., LOL).
I have seen people get in fist fights over such silly, silly, silly choices - one party simply cannot accept that the other party has chozen differently, perhaps saying to themselves (or their other colleagues when the other party is not around): "If only they would spend time getting to know the one **I AM USING** they couldn't help but see what a dimwit they're being and that **I AM RIGHT** and their full of crap - they should kiss my feet for being given the benefit of my vast expetise."
These sorts of conflicts happen in every walk of life and over every sort of possible subject matter - whenever a personal human choice and opinion are involved there will be conflict . . . because we are all different.
It's the main reason that we will never acheive the sort of "utopia" we all secretly (or otherwise) long for - every man, woman, child and dog of us can sometimes be d**kheads about our opinions.
It's the main reason lots of us don't "get along" with oneanother.
I am not saying that anyone in this present discussion has shown any "d**kheadedness" really (so far).
But I sort of understand the unspoken underlying message of your original post - that you have, at some point, experienced that d**kheadedness somewhere along the way concerning your choice of the EDP - and are asking why?
Here's my answer: Human nature.
Here's hoping you and yours have a happy 2011.