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Re: The EDP and the Looperlative

On 1/2/11 3:14 PM, "Mark Hamburg" <mark@grubmah.com> wrote:
> On Jan 1, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Kenn Lowy wrote:
>> But maybe I just don't know how to do that on the EDP. Seriously, how 
>> anyone do those things?
> You wouldn't and if you go back and look at my post and the posts from 
> like Andy Butler, you will see that we all acknowledge that the 
> does a lot of things the EDP does not.

Actually, I did realize that you were not making that sort of assertion.  I
was instead responding to Mark's comment that he could only see three main
differences between the EDP and LP-1.  Ken may be responding to the same.  
think you yourself have been rather clear on the fact that you merely 
the working modes on the EDP.

> I gather Dustbunnies manages to get SUS-style operations on the LP-1, 
>but it
> seems to depend on having a "decent" (his words) MIDI controller since it
> would seem to depend on having a controller that will send note on or 
> change messages on pedal release.

100% on target.  Although it would be possible to program that same
functionality on any MIDI controller by using two pedals (one for
"clear/record" and a second for "close and loop").  It would just take a 
more tap-dancing than would probably be comfortable to achieve the effect
I'm after).

FWIW, there are quite a few controllers out there that can support this,
IIRC.  I'm using the Roland FC-300 myself, which works quite well.  Of
course, the Gordius is the top-line pedal at the moment (at least until the
Softstep gets all its kinks worked out).  In the past I've used the 
PMC-10, and even firing off PC macros with my Peavey PC1600x.  I don't
remember: will the FCB-1010 allow for sending a command on pedal release?

I think that if there's any confusion out there, it's with the marketing
materials.  The LP-1 is advertised that you can get up and running with the
most basic of controllers, which is the truth.  That'll get you to all the
basic functions.  However, a quick scan of the forums will reveal that a
better MIDI controller pedal will allow you to get more out of the LP-1.

And, of course, we're still lobbying Bob for integrating some of these
capabilities into the base functionality of the unit.  For instance, I
believe the Gordius might allow for the timing of commands (synced to MIDI
Clock), so that you could have, for instance, a loop play to its end, then
reverse itself, then drop to half-speed when it gets back to the beginning,
then yaddayaddayadda.  I've been annoying Bob with that as a feature 
("Command Cue" & Logic functions, see:
http://www.looperlative.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=593#p4094 on the
Looperlative board) for quite a while now.

> That's cool, but the EDP is loaded with
> SUS-style and other long-press based behaviors and works with a range of
> controllers. 

Eh?  Waitasec, now I'm a bit confused.  You can do the EDP "long press"
functions with a standard MIDI pedal?  How the devil are they implementing
