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awesome Keith,sounds like a hip trick as well ill be checking that out ! thanx a lot Luis On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Keith Smith <> wrote: > Nice ideas Simeon, I'll be messing with that for sure. > > > Luis,this may (or may not) be of interest to you. I had floated the idea > quite some time ago, but the example I posted was way to long and the >idea > may not have been clear enough. > > A while back, when Per made a few posts about the Chapman stick tuning, I > got interested in playing with stacks of perfect 5ths laid down on >separate > tracks and and then pitch shifting the tracks individually in order to > define different harmonic functions. Since I was interested in a rythmic > ostenato for this, I never even considered the rate shifting that Simeon >is > using and the pitch shift in Mobius needs a bit more development before >it's > ready for showtime. > > I played around with several VST's in Bidule and found that 'Son of a >Pitch' > seemed to be efficient enough that I could run several instances on my >old > Dell 6400 without choking. So I set up 6 instances of 'SOP' on the first > three stereo outputs of a Matrix which was connected to the Mobius Stereo > outputs. You'll see the layout in the this group. > > > > http:/ links to a little demo > where I lay down a quick 3 loops (any rhythm or note order you want, of > course) and just play some scalar stuff to illustrate the idea. > > The way it works is: > 00:00:00 1. Record a stack on Track 1 Notes C, G, D > 00:02:11 2. Record a stack on Track 2 Notes Eb, Bb, F > 00:02:22 3. Record a stack on Track 3 Notes G, D, A > > This gives you a nice C- Dorian chord to blow on. > Now you can shift the tracks individually. The descriptions here relate >to > the the unshifted (original) notes. > > 00:27:05 Shift Track 2 up a semi-tone and it goes to C Lydian, say >Cmaj7#11 > > 00:40:11 Shift Track 2 up a semitone and Track 3 up a tone and you still > have a Lydian scale but substituting A, E F# for the G, D, A it's a > different flavor. > > 00:49:18 Shift Track 2 up a Tone (to F, C G) and Track 3 up a tone and >you > get a similar thing but with an F natural in the mix, suggesting a IV >chord. > > 00:58:18 Dropping all 3 tracks a semitone gives a substitue for a V > function -at least that's how I use it. > > 01:07:22 And dropping Track 2 a semitone gives a D Dorian sound which >can > work for a ii or a IV chord. > > 01:17 Back to the original C Dorian -forgive the blooper! > > The way I set it up in Bidule was to preset the individual instances of >SOP > to plus or minus 1 or 2 semitones and then turn them on or off as >required, > so if you load the group you'll see, TR1_SOP -1 CC56, meaning Track 1, >Son > of a Pitch, minus 1 semitone, controlled by CC56, etc etc. > > The reason for the matrix was to route Mobius tracks 5,6 and 7 through >the > same shifters as 1,2 and three. That way, I could record some more >ethereal > stuff (differing loop lengths work fine) on those tracks and they would > change function with the chords. The complication with that is you are > restricted to the same note groups on on those tracks as you are on 1,2 >and > 3. So, it is a bit challenging to stay within the parameters. > Track 4 is unshifted, giving a safe place to 'land' after recording the > initial loops and also provides a 'blowing' track that won't get pitch > shifted while you're soloing (can get interesting if you don't do this). > > I started doing some analysis on this but got distracted with some >gigs at > the time. Here's a pdf that might offer some ideas -unfinished. > > This certainly isn't for everybody, and it ain't the 'be all and end all' > for harmonizing, but it does offer quick loop build up and excellent >voice > leading. It might be more practical on midi controllers with *lots* of > buttons, because there are obviously way more options than I've listed >here. > > I hope someone has some fun with it. > k > > >