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Re: Live/Mobius iPhone iPad

Mobius does support OSC, but it is difficult to configure (editing XML) if you
don't have an OSC client that can send custom messages.  I think the
newer versions of TouchOSC support custom message so I can provide more
information about the Mobius message format if anyone is interested, but if you also
want to control Ableton it is probably easier just to use Osculator for both.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
Osculator is only needed if the application to be controlled doesn't
support OSC. What Osculator does is to translate OSC into MIDI. I
don't think neither Live nor Mobius yet support OSC, which means
Osculator is needed. TouchOSC is regarded the best iOS app for OSC
control over a wifi net. It comes with a bunch of useful control
templates (mixers, faders, buttons and stuff) but they also offer an
editor for those who want to create their own graphic interface.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com internet music hub

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 9:02 AM, <antonyhequet@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hello,
> what is the best app to control Ableton Live and Mobius from an iPhone/iPad? Is Osculator necessary in any case? Is there a dedicated app for Live? What's the story here:-)
> Antony