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will be held in *Florence (Firenze, Italia) *on*July 16th *and*17th, 2011*. *_*Produced by *Massimo Liverani*, the festival has a very strong two day lineup featuring Italy's *Giovanni Lami*, *Enrico Coniglio*, *Fabio Anile*, *Rob Easychord* and *Bassi Lele*.
*Michael Peters *(who runs the Koln Live Looping Festival) and*Rainer Straschill* (who has also produced looping performances in Munchen) will represent Germany
and there will be appearances by Singapores' *Randolf Arriola*, the UK's *Gareth Whittock* and *Willy Oteri* and *Dave Laczko* from the United States. Finally *Massimo Liverani* will provide iPhone interludes between performances.The festival will be held at the *Teatro Blu, Parco dell'Anconella Via Villamagna, Firenze *and *entry is FREE
to all ages from 2100-2400 hours*This will be the first official association with the California Y2KX+1 International Live Looping Festivals.
This week *Massimo LIverani* (Florence) and *Fabio Anile* (Rome) announced a formal partnership with *Rick Walker* (US) and the staff of the Y2KX+1 festival (*Steve Ucello, Maha Taitano, Eric DeArantanha, Trevor McClain *and *Soren Wagner)* to produce live looping festivals in *Florence, Rome
*and*California *in*2011 *and*2012.* for more information, go to: _* *_ or *_www.officinecroma.it_* *Riccardo Camminatore (press secretary: Italian Live Looping Guild)*