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hi Marcus, I looked into it, and I actually have the hardware to do it. (mainly it's the hassle of the Roland p/u which prevents me from getting those toys out) The Axon stuff is pretty good, but they don't actually make the p/u themselves (afaik) so if a Roland p/u is cheaper go for that. Then you need the 13 pin cable, adds to the price.The much cheaper route is
which is mono (no 13 pin). ...but then the freqbox is mono, so that's not an issue. Tracking is a bit slower, but less warbling.Do you already have the mp-201? if you need something that's Midi to CV for less money That's the expense, then there's the troubles.The Freqbox is designed for 1V/oct, but it's not ultra stable and you'll need to tweak an internal preset to get the scale
dead right (can be well in tune over 3 oct at least). To follow the guitar dynamics put the dry guitar into the freqbox audio in. If you want the Moog MF-102 Ring Mod to play in tune then that's harder. It's around 0.35V/oct so you'll need to attenuate the control voltage to play a (fairly) in tune scale.(don't know if the mp-201 does that, but it's easy enough to make your own attenuator with a 10k or 100k linear pot)
Once you got that going I can predict you'll want an MF-101 filter too :-) andy marcus kirby wrote:
I really want the ability to convert my guitar signal to a midi signal. From there, I'd like to spit pitch cv out to my moog stuff via the moog mp-201. I think it would be cool to have a freqbox or ring mod tuned to whatever note I'm playing.So....I have read about hex pickups and axon interfaces, but not totally sure what the price / proper pairing would be.Then comes the topic of...why not just play a synth...good question, since I already have one.Anyone ventured into this territory? What were your conclusions?