I have felt very liberated in not using it for the last several years
There is a um.. "cluncky-ness" with playing with guitar synths, and yes I agree, when I occsionally lay down the OLP baritone modded monster, and pick up a "normal" guitar... its like coming out into the light on a matinee cinema showing, or.. unlocking the door to your house when youve been away on holiday for 3 weeks...
BUT... Im not a good enough guitarist to get the subtlties of sounds and music out of a stock axe. I love the sound of a nice acoustic for example, or the sound of a tube amp just breaking up. But...I also like the sound of a million white mice nibbling xylophones, and the sound of steam trains crashing into cake, or the sound of frogs leaping into flymos...
A guy came up to me after my last gig, and said I like the looping, but I dont like guitar synths, guitars shouldnt sound like orchestras... I said "GREAT! You can save money next time I play!"
Like loopers, Guitar synths will always find a home in this house.