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Re: Re: Playing Beatpads (mpd, mpc etc.)

Rudiments are like Lego blocks. They are designed to be played with!

On Jan 11, 2012 2:10 PM, "Rick Walker" <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:
On 7/22/64 11:59 AM, william middlemiss wrote:
Drum rudiments. Post them on the wall, practice them.



then, combine them. write out your combinations, post them on the wall, practice them.

If you know notation on even a slightly percussive instrument (piano would definitely qualify) then you're ahead of the game.

As a drummer, I like the rudiments but sometimes they are frustrating to me because they are so limited mathematically.
As an example,  the famous paradiddle  R L R R L R L L    is fascinating because it the present two  double stroke
rolls that when played together, force each hand to play on each side of the syncopation.  The double right hands
and double left hands balance each other out in this respect.

for what it's worth,  I developed these DOUBLE STROKE BALANCING EXERCISES to practice all of the
ways to achieve this onbeat/offbeat sensibility in a set of 8 16th notes (half a measure in 4/4).

They make really good exercises for pianist, percussionists and for guitar players (using up/down picking to substitute for
R L order)

Play them without accent at first.  Then play them with all right hands (or down picks) accented and then again
with all left hands accented.     Lastly,  play them each once in order without stopping every single day.
In a month's time you will be very used to playing on any side of the beat (on/beat to off/beat) with ease.

                 copyright 1981 Rick Walker

1)   R R l R l R l l
2)   R R l R l R R l
3)   R R l R l l R l     "ratamacue"
4)   R R l R R l R l
5)   R R l l R l R l
6)   R l l R l R l l
7)   R l l R l R R l
8)   R l l R l l R l      "tresillo"
9)   R l l R R l R l
10)  R l R R l R l l      "paradiddle"
11)  R l R R l R R l      "cinquillo"
12)  R l R R l l R l
13)  R l R l l R l l
14)  R l R l l R R l
15)  R l R l R R l l

and then five more incorporating the pickup note

16) R |: R l R l R l l R :|
17) R |: R l R l R R l R :|
18) R |: R l R l l R l R :|
19) R |: R l R R l R l R :|
20) R |: R l l R l R l R :|