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Re: GR55 The Power of Assigns

Very inspiring to read about Mark's experiences with touch screen
control. BTW, there is this "Mix 16" layout that comes bundled wit
TouchOSC that offers two 8 fader mixers, among other things. I'd like
to use that one on my iPhone. Just need to find a good solution for
temporarily mounting the iPhone on the Stick.

I'm already very keen on using the GK-3's volume knob and two buttons
for controlling sound parameters. To me touch-screen on the instrument
is of almost equal usability rate as my trusty Gordius MIDI pedal. My
issue with touch-screens, that you have to look at them in order to
use them, isn't that blatant if mounted on the instrument you carry on
your body. BTW, yesterday Xavier announced that the Gordius will soon
support both long and short presses on each switch! That will double
its deepness in tweakness, let us Gordius users put twenty function
into each ten switches bank. Will be nice not having to shoe-gaze that
much for bank switching.

The above is of course related to doing improvised electronic music.
When performing a fixed set you could as well put most of your
commands into Ableton Live to be duly sent out for the receiving
devices. I have recently enjoyed several peak experiences associated
with Max For Live, for a laptop aided musician quite similar to what
the Assigns Window means for the GR-55; an open window to unlimited
horizons  :-)

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:07 PM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com> 
> Hi LD,
> Just wanted to report an incredible breakthru regarding the missing link,
> TouchOSC and the GR55. I know that Per has been into the GR´s Assign page
> for a while, but for me it was quite daunting, as I didnt really know 
> how to
> use it. Not without a bunch of pedals at least. My FCB1010 is already
> stuffed full with clever banks, I cant remember any more.
> So I made a very simple interface on TouchOSC, just 4 sliders and made 
> them
> send CCs on channel 5. Set the GR55 to channel 5 and then went into a 
> very
> big pad patch I have and set 4 different parameters on the Assign page,
> including setting the target to be the same CC numbers.. and voila, now I
> have almost unlimited control of the GR55.
> There is a maximum of 8 Assigns on the GR so there's a limit...
> So now Ive made one with 8 sliders, and it anyone wants it, you can have 
> it,
> Ive put it on the missing link forum:
> http://wifimidi.com/discussion-forum/
> and the thread is
> Board index » User Contributed OSC Templates » Roland GR-55 Editor
> (TouchOSC)
> Sorry dont know how to quote a forum thread URL
> --
> Mark Francombe
> www.markfrancombe.com
> www.ordoabkhao.com
> http://vimeo.com/user825094
> http://www.looop.no
> twitter @markfrancombe
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/24478662@N00/