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Re: Software question: 3d party tremolo plugin?

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 2:22 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 
> 1) Why Sine in particular? rather than Triangle?

I like that sound better. But I also like to set up a knob to "round
off" a triangle to make it into a sine. Square wave modulation is also
interesting to do, but I like to start out with the sine as default.

> 2) What about hard sync? where position of the LFO at start  of bar (or
> beat) is locked by reset...rather than just being   of a length related 
> to
> the beat.

"Hard sync" in sequencing means that a pattern is set to start over -
realign with the master clock - at any given period. Like for example
ever 32nd beat (normally a beat means an 8th note). I don't see any
point in using hard sync for my simple purpose: just introducing a
pulsating volume modulation in whatever sound may come out of a
freeze-reverb. The musical point for me is not this pulse per see but
the action of changing the pulse frequency by ear to research poly
rhythmical relations to other loops I'm running in parallel and this
is mostly done by sweeping the musical duration values. I mean, in a
constant pulse - where is the downbeat? ;-)

>  If you had hard sync would you use square wave mod?

I like square wave mod too, whenever it fits the musical situation.

HOwever, this post might be obsolete by now since I just ran into
problems with Bidule. My guess is a RAM shortage issue. I'm starting
over building the same setup a second time in Live now, but I'm
carefully listening and testing after the introduction of every new
component. It works with full fidelity now with Mobius looper as
master and Live as sync slave before I have added any specific routing
and extra processing. So I'm thinking that there must be a certain
point where the shit starts hitting the fan and then I can try work
around whatever might be causing it. Oh, for this live stream slice
morphing I can use Live's excellent Autopan plugin as a tremolo.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen