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Great concept and you're having a very interesting discussion in
there! If you keep this up, will you put it out also through the usual
podcast channels? Asking because I mainly use my iPhone for podcast
subscriptions. When doing a search in Downcast (the app I use) on your
name this new podcast doesn't come up while both the Improv Friday and
Mim Goodin on does.
Greetings from Sweden
Per Boysen
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Jim Goodin <> wrote:
> Folks I wanted to mention a podcast I have recently been part of producing and publishing. The series slated to feature composers working in experimental music focused for this episode on the work of Peter Thoegersen. Peter works in micro tonal and poly tempic music largely as a drummer. He is in a doctoral program in composition at the Univ of Illinois. I mention I here not so much for looping but he creatively makes use of MAX in one of the pieces we chose to feature.
> The cast runs an hour and 18 min and is on SoundCloud at
> The show is produced every few months by Paul Muller and myself. We are planning to be on a more regular production schedule in 2012. Paul and I met through ImprovFriday.
> Thanks for checking this out.
> Jim
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