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Re: Unreliable Midi

NOW I understand why I had so much difficulties with one specific piece of equipment.
This cant be true? You have to use same USB-port that you did when you installed the drivers!
Ok, I'm switching to mac's... wait, I have Mac! :-)
Thanks for this dread! Also I can chime in that all my music-making friends have gone to Windows 7 from Vista,
of which they all had bad experiences.

2012/3/7 Jeff Duke <jeffloops@gmail.com>
As far as I can tell this is no longer necessary in Windows 7. All I have tried are cameras and such however... I always hated that about xp! :)

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:46 AM, kay'lon rushing <k3zz21@gmail.com> wrote:

Its also recomended by manufacturers to always plug your controllers into the same ports that they were plugged into while the drivers were being installed.

On Mar 7, 2012 8:43 AM, "kay&apos;lon rushing" <k3zz21@gmail.com> wrote:

I know how you feel man. Its frustrating. My M Audio Oxygen used go shut off on me randomly whenever my nanopad was plugged in after a certain amount of time. My best advice is:
1. Make sure you have installed the newest drivers for EVERY controller if they exist.
2. Download Midi Ox and also Maple MIDI ports. Midi Ox is a software midi bridge that allows lots of flexibility between your midi devices and the computer.
-It also lets you monitor all of your midi activity.
-Maple is a set of virtual midi ports that let you connect many inputs to a single output.
3. Either update to Windows 7 or downgrade to XP. I use win7 and dont recall having very many midi problems. Vista is not the business for anything that requires reliability.

On Mar 7, 2012 8:01 AM, "Michael Peters" <mp@mpeters.de> wrote:

I'm continuously pissed off by the way that my various USB midi controllers turn up or don't, or get confused, or disappear, on my Vista notebook. Advice needed!


I use Bidule but it isn't Bidule's problem, it is a Windows Vista problem. Does it get better with Window7? are there any tools that I can use to monitor what happens, or to better take care of the USB devices?


I regularly use two Nanokontrols and a Softstep. Sometimes I use a Nanopad, a Nanokey, and an Axon midi converter.  I usually load a Bidule first that only consists of Midi monitors so that I can see which devices work and which don't, so that I can unplug/replug them.


Some of the symptoms are


- the Softstep sometimes disappears. I have to unplug and replug it to come up again. Today it refuses to show up even though Windows makes a recognize sound when I plug it it.

- the various Nano devices get mixed up often, or don't all show up.

- when plugging them into different ports, everything gets mixed up


This is driving me nuts. I can't believe there is no remedy for this (and no, I don't want Apple products :)



