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Re: City Lights Music Festival and its comparison to a loopfest

I'm going to try and make it more open. Guidelines would be:
Your topic or audio that you share has to be LOOPING; repeated samples, 
not manual repetition
The amount of looping in the audio has to be significant; a song with one 
word looped twice in an 
entire five-minute track wouldn't work; a pop techno track with a 
constant-loop beat, and lots of 
vocal looping, would work! Not just a song that samples another song; a 
song that samples another song that 
also loops parts of it. Not just a remix of an already existing song; a 
remix of an already existing song that 
frequently loops parts of it. Sample repetition to the rescue! You live 
loopers are AWESOME! 
The remix artists are FANTASTIC! The people who make recordings in the 
studio that could be mistaken for 
live looping recordings, that go to a concert and play generic acoustic 
music because they can't loop live, 
are EXCELLENT! So, it might not be a good idea to advertise a new Britney 
Spears album 
here, but if you like a song that, if she would have made a minute longer, 
would have annoyed you because of the overused 
repeated background sample beat ... of course! It's a repeated sample, and 
it's dominant 
throughout the song. Here's the big statement:
Any repeated samples that are noticed throughout the song. Back in May, 
someone mentioned that when doing 
choruses of songs, sometimes the band will record it once, and the 
producers will copy it throughout, so the band 
doesn't have to sing the chorus again. Not significant enough! It needs to 
sound like a loop to be in our 
When I discovered Looper's Delight, I heard live looping once; it was a 
guy named Tim 
Exile. I discovered Looper's Delight when Googling for music that 
contained tape loops, or at 
least information about it. Tape loops! A type of prerecorded loop! The 
www.loopers-delight.com, got my attention, because, as you know, I have 
that "loop quirk." 
So, basically, I found this mailing list as a prerecorded looper looking 
for prerecorded loop 
music. It just so happens that people like Per Boysen and Amy X. Newberg 
hit that switch in me; 
"Maybe I should try LL for live performances, but for the studio versions, 
use prerecorded, so I 
can Imogenially (like Imogen Heap) fine-tune the sound." Yes, before I 
even knew live looping 
existed, I LOVED Imogen! All the stuff I heard from her was in studio, and 
I thought it was 
prerecorded looping. I still have a hard time believing that Imogen used 
Tyler Z
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 04:11:46 -0300, Matthias Grob wrote:

>well, I would love to read this list, but traffic is rather too much 
>and if you bring new members talking about sampling, it will become harder
>I find impressive that in the 15 years before Tyler, no one felt the need 
>adapt the lists subject to a sentence that Kim put on the site. he wanted 
>it to 
>be open, which is great, but from the very start it was only about live 
>and we do not know why Kim radically eliminated the "LiveLooping brand" 
>his LD site.
>what is it you are going to stir up interest for? 
>the existence of a site where its not prohibited (but not common) to talk 
>or are you going to try to convince those people to do it live? 
>or are we going to talk more about the phenomenon repetition itself? I 
>love that! as you can see in the LOOP GROOP invitation, my original idea 
>was to 
>also invite visual artists and brain scientists to bring in their 
>(even more impressive is the coincidence that only the post of Tyler (and 
>few others) drop into my inbox because of the wrong return address, so 
>are the mails I keep reading hahaha)
>On 23 Aug 2012, at 13:44, Tyler wrote:
>>The only reason it isn't called a loop fest is because this kind of 
>>festival is 
>>supposed to have a 
>>large audience, and something with "loop fest" in the name will only 
>>the geeks that hang around on 
>>mailing lists like this one. I'm trying to get a group of Citylighters 
>>to sign 
>>up for this list. That way, 
>>live looping, generic looping, sampling with repetition, etc. can be 
>>here. We need to stir up 
>>enough interest.
>>Tyler Z