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RE: Korg Microsampler as a looping tool

Mmm, a bit complicated. The loops must have all the same length, right? THe same of the first one.
Or well, surely not more, or it happens what happened with the last loop to him.
WHat if while preparing the slots you press the key less time than the first loop's length?
So, there is no way to just press play and start recording and press again to stop recording and start playing, deciding on your own the length of each loop?

> From: benoitruelle@yahoo.fr
> To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:08:03 +0100
> Subject: Korg Microsampler as a looping tool
> Hello,
> I think this has been discussed in the path but I don't think a
> tecfhnical solution has been posted.
> Here's a video I just saw. This need a bit of soldering so that a
> sustain pedal can be used to trigger the sampling start:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guJR-WxaTSY
> There are some limitations but it's a nice tip I thinks and this gives
> a 36 tracks looper or a looper on which you can pitchshift the tracks
> (repeater), resample with effects, ...
> Where did I put my soldering iron?
> Ben.