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Sorry, no US part number. Replacement switch for the superEgo is ...but just checked out the S-E and the EH provided switch looks nicer than their usual ones. I take back what I said about cost cutting in this case, it does seem they upgrade the switch for the SuperEgo. I used that Maplin one on the KillSwitch...but note that it *wasn't* an exact replacement. Killswitch is push to break, replacement is push to make. Now that doesn't matter with the Killswitch, there's a control which reverses the function of the switch, so it still works perfectly (but the legend on the control is reversed). So.. would that switch work on a Freeze...I don't know.Someone out there with a Freeze has to open it up and put a meter across the existing switch.
Danger is the Freeze turns into an Un-Freeze. andy Rick Walker wrote:
What, out of curiosity are the part numbers for your replacement switched, Andy.I , too, find the switches on the Freeze to be really loud, but I still like that pedal a lot(though I'm saving up for a Super Ego, too). Rick On 3/11/2013 9:54 AM, andy butler wrote:EH have to cut costs somewhere, and the foot-switches generally aren't that great.I keep a stock of spares.