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OT-appSpam - iOS Sound-In New Music Player released

Folks promotion hat time.  This is off-topic promotion but pertinent musically.  

My 2nd iOS app (this time a music one) just became available this evening in the app store at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sound-in-new-music-event-player/id694702038?ls=1&mt=8.

This is a stand-alone audio player I created in support of the Sound-In community which I'm also part of as well as a few here.

The player for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch will be an ongoing playlist changed out ideally every 4-6 weeks as the community publishes recorded works every weekend.  This first playlist represents work of 18 member artists produced from an event last April.  Future releases will be more timely.  I had a learning curve producing this one as I did it using Core Audio.

So please check out at the above link, it's Free and ad free.


jimgoodin.com - 'Acoustic guitar renaissance, color blue, repetitive minimalism'
The Recordings of Wood and Wire Music - 'Organically inspired New Music'
From Brooklyn To Glindran, a new World/Free Jazz recording by Jim Goodin & Peter Thörn.  Proceeds from this CD will benefit JDRF International

Tips Across the Waters, a new app for iOS from James Goodin/Wood and Wire Ware.