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Re: EHX 2880 or 45000 users say it loud say it proud!

After reading the 45000 manual, the ONLY differences I can see between the 2880 and the 45000 are these:

"The 45000 Multi-Track Looping Recorder takes the 2880 and builds
upon it, adding key features such as the ability to store and recall up
to 100 loops on one SD card and an output dedicated to monitoring. "

So, a new card format (SD instead of CF), the ability to manage stored loops without a computer (I routinely swap the loops on my CF card by setting up folders in which I store the old loops), and a separate output for monitoring which includes the click.


Still my favorite looper so far due to it's tactile interface and varispeed / reverse functions....


At 4:45 PM -0500 12/10/13, Charles Zwicky wrote:
I have used the 2880 for years, and was involved in some early testing, however I am not familiar with the 45000.

In the case of Reggie Watts demonstration, he has the "beat" on one track, the "percussion (hi-hats)" on another, the bass on another, and the harmonies on a fourth.

Here's a link to the manual:


At 7:10 PM +0100 12/10/13, Per Boysen wrote:
It has four tracks (meaning "slots for loops to spin") and they can be
muted and mixed while loops run in parallel (much like you work LP1 or
Repater), so it might be just that he mixed on the fly? As long as
parts are not layered into the same loop any mix of them is possible.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Charles Zwicky <cazwicky@earthlink.net> wrote:
 It sounded like he brought in the three part vocal harmony over the new
 bassline, which makes me wonder if individual track swaps are possible..

 At 9:48 AM -0800 12/10/13, Rusty Perez wrote:

 It sounded to me like he began a new loop, with a new bass line and  a
 new rhythm pattern, sang over that for a bit, then went back to the
 original one.


 This may have been achieved by moving to a new loop

 On 12/10/13, Charles Zwicky <cazwicky@earthlink.net> wrote:

  The question of individual track replacement is an interesting one.
  In the Reggie Watts demonstration on youtube he appears to swap the
  bass line for a new one and then goes back to the original bass line
  without interrupting the  groove.

  How is this achieved on the 45000?


  At 7:59 AM -0800 12/10/13, Rusty Perez wrote:

 You know what? I gotta say that I would get this looper, but, I wish
 you could have a master loop or track playing at the same time as the
 other loops, like with the Boomerang III.
 I really like the idea of having that master loop sync'd up with your
 other loops.

 The 45000 seems really really powerful, with individual control over
 individual tracks and elements. I wish it had that one feature!
 I suppose I could use a drum machine, but that complicates things more.


 On 12/10/13, Charles Zwicky <cazwicky@earthlink.net> wrote:

   Reggie Watts on the Electro Harmonix 45000:

   "One of the most Powerful things in the Universe"















