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...and it has a screen saver :-) Not much compared to the McMillan boot-up light show, though. Greetings from Sweden Per Boysen On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 7:53 PM, andy butler <> wrote: > > >> Gordius Vs Softstep > > > If a switch fails on the Gordius, ( and no reason it should ), > then it's easily replaceable. > > The Gordius is the only controller which had my feedback for use with > looping, so I'm a bit biased. > Reckon it's more tweakable though. > > Don't know if the Mcmillen gear has such features as options for > "longpress function doesn't happen until you release the switch", > which is kind of a deal if you want to set up your most efficient > combination of switches. > (because a loop function happenning after a fixed longpress time can be > rather unmusical). > > ..but yes the Gordius is heavier ( big improvement on the fcb1010 tho') > > andy > > > >