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Re: Electrix press release from 12/17

oh wow, I'm so happy I might cry. although I've long since worked 
Repeater bugs into my schtick, it would be so much better if they 
didn't happen at all!!

On Friday, January 7, 2005, at 11:48  AM, S V G wrote:

>      I'm reposting this from the Repeater-Users group.  The wishlist 
> that Peter mentions is culled
> from the same group.
>          Stephen
> Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 11:31:02 -0800
>    From: Peter Toms <ptoms@condor-electronics.com>
> Subject: Re: Electrix press release from 12/17
> Hi all -
> I've been in good communication with Electrix, and they will be
> releasing an OS upgrade for Repeater with something like 25 fixes and
> new features. The tentative date is late April. Re-compiling the
> software compressed the total size of the files and therefore allowed
> new code to be added. Whoo-hoo! I'm looking forward to this - they've
> been using our wishlist for guidance in their upgrade process.
> They're basically re-releasing the other products with minor changes to
> differentiate the new release from the previous sets.
> We are continuing as the service facility for all Electrix products.
> There's a link on their website, and they've been great about supplying
> parts to keep the product line running in everybody's racks.
> More news soon,
> Peter Toms
> Condor Electronics Seattle
> 206 633 5190
> 206 633 0803
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