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RE: Chinese Slave Labor (was Re: say no to urban skydiving Re: AW: Aunti Behringer)

 so I'll pop in here. Keep in mind that the first goal of every governing body is to control it's population, internal stablilty. In the US democrats and republican party members are part of the same system of population control. We are simply wage slaves kept submissive by the promise/hope that we will become one of the wealthy some day. 
 Given, the US system is softer on the skin than others....but the goal is the same. If you don't believe me, read the documents of the founding fathers. The body of text surrounding the famous one liners is not that freedom inspiring. Our government, like other, strongly controls our history. Keep in mind in the 1800's anarchist whom were jailed, hung or shot by police/mobs called themselves labor organizers. Their crime was the American dream for the masses.
I could go on....but this is an audio forum.....let's not begrudge the poor a job, no matter how under valued/paid they are. We all need to feed our children.
     Who's with me on hating LED Meters? 
     I want old fashion needled!  
Date: 01/20/05 08:00:26
Subject: RE: Chinese Slave Labor (was Re: say no to urban skydiving Re: AW: Aunti Behringer)
I don't mind offering a slight correction but, there are lefrist Democrats
who use the 'Slave Labor' or 'Cheap Lowcost Labor' term one could simply
cite 'Lou Dobbs' as an example. I think ultimately this issue is a problem
for all of us left, right, republican, democrat, christian fundamentalist,
extremist atheist, American, European, etc..
It effects us all and what the ultimate solution is I don't know...
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Baldwin [mailto:coyotelk@optonline.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: Chinese Slave Labor (was Re: say no to urban skydiving Re: AW:
Aunti Behringer)
    I know this is way off topic, and I'll accept e-mails privately rather
than fill up the LD group with this thread, but... Does anyone know how many
of China's workers are in fact slaves and how many are willingly seeking
factory work because it offers a step up from the feudal farming system they
have suffered under for centuries? My sister-in-law works for a jewelry
company with factories in Beijing and Seoul, she goes to these cities
several times a year, and her perception of their conditions is that it's
difficult - long days, spartan living conditions, low pay - but better than
the feudal farming system that has existed for centuries in the rural areas.
She tells me that the vast majority of workers come willingly to work
because the possibility of saving up some money of their own spells "hope"
to these people who for centuries owned nothing.
    My perception of the media and public voices who use the term "slave
labor" is 1) They are people who are pissed that we are losing jobs to
offshore labor, 2) They are right wing and often overtly fundamentalist
Christian, and/or 3) They equate lower costs with lower quality.
    I'd like to hear (off list) from those that might support the term
"slave labor" with facts and as much direct experience as possible.
Douglas Baldwin, coyote-at-large
----- Original Message -----
From: "Suit & Tie Guy" <erwill@suitandtieguy.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: say no to urban skydiving Re: AW: Aunti Behringer
> On Jan 18, 2005, at 11:49 AM, mungenast@earthlink.net wrote:
> > in China? If I am going to buy something made in a Chinese slave labor
> > facility, it is going to be something I can't get elsewhere, something
> > unique, like the Alesis ModFX series, or Behringer's
> considering how much Mackie stuff is made in China now i don't feel bad
> about the idea of buying Uli Behringer's stuff.
> i wish there was that mackie ad which showed everyone at the factory
> standing outside waving (i remember it from a few years ago), but
> edited so the text ran "Why are these Mackie employees smiling with
> pink slips in hand? Because we fired a hundred americans and moved
> production to china to bring you LOW LOW PRICES!!!"
> ---
> Eric Williamson