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Re: cc's for nextloop

         Hey Kim thanks for the tutorial; it made perfect  sense for once.
Regarding the posts earlier about live dnb It is very possible to do snare
flutters & rolls in a improvised context. I use a cc tied to the tempo
function in the infamous Cyclone( another fine Oberheim product) . Using a
foot pedal I can vary the speed of a non transposing repeating note , I
have to watch when I switch this function on & off mind you or it will
rapidly repeat ever note ..maybe ok for Alec Empire but ....(You have to
keep a watchful eye on the Cyclone too it can & will reset itself in a most
unpredictable fashion as witnessed at a recent gig) In my sampler I assign
a cc to alter the vol of the note or pitch or whatever .The  resultant
fading in of the note really sounds cool & it works in the groove quite
well. While programming  this data is recorded into
a sequence as well I can then go back & edit & copy etc how iI like .Even
though I own Cubase(but no ideal Mac situation)  I actually use a Yamaha Qy
700 for my sequences & Ive tried to come up with ways to make the tedious
aspect of progamming this unit fun, I was talking to some junglists on IRC
one night and they thought I was crazy, Of course these guys had never
heard of Recycle & did all their breaks by hand (such purists) working only
on Atari & running Cakewalk > Hey  whatever works! It was good to see this
thread going cause I know alot of people out there really dig drum N bass.
                                            K LAW

>this is sort of old, but I'm sort of behind....
>At 2:00 PM -0500 1/25/98, klaw@iglou.com wrote:
>>Hello everyone .  Top o the day to ya. Regarding switching loops with 
>ccs :
>>How is this done? I thought the ccs were feedback, vol. I switch with 
>>ons did I miss something?
>Using continuous controllers to trigger echoplex loops is much like using
>notes. basically, the controller number is equivalent to note# and
>controller value is equivalent to velocity. You send the appropriate cc
>with some non-zero value, and it's treated as note on, and then send the
>same cc with value 0 and it's the note-off.
>>Also perhaps a question for KIm : Is it possible with current hardware on
>>plex to reset loops to startpoint when using nxtloop? This has always
>>seemed so logical& musical.If I have a number of loops in a piece I need
>>them to  start at the beginning when I switch rather than run 
>>I supose it would have its uses in a random sort of way but its not very
>>predictable. Maybe have a option to reset or run like in mute mode.BTW
>>thanks Kim for your ideas on the quantize function. I finally found a use
>>for this!Works excellent in V5.0.
>That's a pretty good idea for a parameter, actually. (more parameters,
>yeeee...)  Let me explain some about how it does work, and maybe you'll
>find a way that works for you anyway.
>The default state of NextLoop isn't really random. You return to the loop
>at the point where you left it.
>When you are working in free, unquantized approach, this is often
>appropriate. In a rhythmic sense (and this is appropriate to droney and
>groovy loops), you will often leave a loop at it's end instead of random
>spots in the middle. So when you return to it, it will be at it's
>beginning. What the "beginning" or "end" is can be a matter of perception,
>and may not coincide with the spot in memory that the echoplex thinks is
>the beginning. It'll have much more to do with what's in the loop and how
>you developed it.
>For example, say you start off a loop with some ambient, textural sounds,
>and then gradually add to it and develop it in such a way that some more
>percussive sounds begin to define a rhythm. Probably it will have a point
>somewhere that feels like the beginning. And probably that will have
>nothing to do with where the little startpoint LED is blinking, because
>who's going to constrain themselves to that while creating a loop? So when
>you used Next you would switch out of a loop when you felt you were at 
>end, and therefore return to it later at what feels like the beginning.
>That's the free approach. There's also the SwitchQuantizing mode, where 
>loops automatically switch at the end and start at the beginning. To me
>this is more appropriate where accurate rhythm is important. It does sort
>of assume you want the loop to go all the way to it's end.
>When triggering with midi, with the "SamperStyle" parameter set to either
>"One" or "Att" the loops start at the beginning when they are triggered.
>("One" means the loop is triggered and plays one time through, and can be
>retriggered each time the midi note is sent. "Att" means the loop is
>triggered at the begining and plays as long as the note is held. When the
>noteoff comes, the loop turns off)  Sounds like you want another
>SamplerStyle parameter of "start", where you trigger the loop with midi, 
>starts at it's beginning, and continues looping. (just like MuteMode=Start
>parameter.) Seems like a reasonable idea to me.
>hope that helps.
>Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
>kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
>http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com