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Kleins and Riveras

Marzzz@aol.com wrote:
> Not to mention that this list seems to be the single greatest 
>aggregation of
> Klein Electric Guitar owners in the universe! What is it with Kleins and
> Looping anyway? Is it all DT's fault? Should we all go out and buy 
>Rivera Amps
> next (BIG GRIN!)?

Funny you should mention it-  when I bought a new amp last year, it was
a fight betweem a Mesa Maverick and a Rivera 1x12 combo.  I wound up
getting the Mesa, which, mind you, I love, but as I drag that 75lb
monster 2x12, I think of the R112, one speaker, small housing, weighs
like, five ounces.  Perfect for the old cab ride.  Sigh.

I hear that MESA is offering a hot air balloon as an option on the new

You know, it is odd, but I have noticed, IMHO, that there is certainly a
law of diminishing returns on guitars.  While I can lust (and I do,
believe me) over a $2000.00 amp, I just don't get that excited over
really well made guitars.

I'm the redneck that Kim was makin' fun of- I like that durn
tele-machine of mine.

I guess the case in point for me is the aforementioned PRS, so nicely
replaced by Bonnie and the good folks over at PRS.  My CE-b was the best
feeling, intellegently designed, comfortable guitar I have ever played. 
It stayed in tune, the string sound and volume were really well balanced
(hate those g-strings that jump out at you when you play 'em).  You
could hear every note in every chord, purple, distorted, whatever.

The thing had no life, what-so-ever.  I got rid of it because it was
sitting around lonely, because I was playing this piece of crap '63ish
beltsanded jaguar that won't stay in tune, has an action four inches off
the fretboard to avoid fretting out when you bend.  The strings pop out
of the saddles when you play too hard (which for me is always).  

Damn thing's got more voodoo than you can shake a stick at.  Oh well. 
My tele's not so bad either.

I have no problem dropping a coupla G's on a Matchless or a couple of
old deluxes  though.
