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Re: DL-4

I have a problem with my DL4 that might be attributable to my own setting
up or
a software fault in the unit. It relates to the noise created by changing
time whilst a signal is present  with an expression pedal.

My problem is not so much the "space ship" noise, but that, I don't seem 
to be
able to unassign Delay Time from the pedal. So, if, for example, I want to
bring up the repeats as I put my toe down, I set a couple of repeats at 
position and lots at the toe position. I don't touch Delay Time, and when
the pedal, the Delay Time will always change causing the spaceship effect.
tried setting Delay Time to "full" or short at both positions in order to
"reset" that parameter - still with delay time changing with the pedal
movement. This does not happen though when I use the pedal with the looper.

Any help or similar experiences would be good to hear about.
