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RE: "Virtual Repeater" Software

The skinny is as follows, Electrix will first release a for PC virtual
repeater and then come out with one for all of you Mac users in a couple of
months..... I talked to them on Monday and the other development of note is
they are fixing a few software bugs that occurred with there new software
fix for the old repeaters. I personally didn't discover the bugs as they
seem to be most noticeable when using a computer to automate the repeaters
functions, and I don't use my repeater in this way. I have been meaning to
write a more comprehensive review of the new feature set for the old
repeater, but I've been holding off until they get the fixes working. Adam
assured me that anyone who has bought the update will receive the new
improved update free of charge. Before everyone starts ragging on Electrix
again, I'd like to remind you all that these are new owners with absolutely
nothing to do with the subterfuge that the original regime pissed everyone
off with. They did however inherit the Repeater with all of its personality
quirks and are doing what they can, given that the technology is over ten
years old, and they are limited purely to software upgrades, as the age and
unavailability of parts makes doing actual hardware mods virtually
impossible. That being said, when they release a new hardware looper, and
from what I'm told they are a month or two away from a working prototype, 
will be redesigned using currently available parts, and will include such
features as USB. That's all I know right now.

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Loopers-Delight-d Digest                                Volume 07 : Issue

Today's Topics:
  RE: NEW FRISELL RELAEASE "FLORATONE"  [ "Dean, Hal " <HDean@wcupa.edu> ]
  RE: Ritardandi and accelerandi when   [ "Goddard, Duncan"
<goddard.duncan@m ]
  RE: Sparce 'n Spacey, part 2: fretle  [ "Michael Peters" <mp@mpeters.de> 
  Re: New "Virtual Repeater" Software   [ Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> 
  Re: Ritardandi and accelerandi when   [ Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> 
  Re: Sparce 'n Spacey, part 2: fretle  [ Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> 
<cazwicky@earthlink. ]
  Re: New "Virtual Repeater" Software   [ paul <phaslem@wightman.ca> ]
  Re: Sparce 'n Spacey, part 2: fretle  [ "Doug Cox" <uncledig@gmail.com> ]
  sync in Bidule (Re: Sparce 'n Spacey  [ Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> 

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