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Re: AW: Ricoloop

I disagree... well, not with the opening of the Wiener Opernball, but, with
the beatboxers and metalheads, I think the motions are actually important 
the making of the music... I'm not sure if I can articulate what I think 
it, but, it's this whole kinesthetic thing.. feeling the music with your 
body.. participating fully in the energy of the music... I'd like to think 
Walker has something to say about this too.. hehe...


Quoting Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill <rs@moinlabs.de>:

> Why do all metalheads do that shit with their heads? Why do all men at 
> opening of the Wiener Opernball wear that cuttail shit?
> Because it's the style!
> > Why do all beatboxers do that shit with their hands?

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