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Re: OT: McCains Howard Dean Moment.

 > Obama would be well served if passionate debaters on the left would
 > frame their arguments in a more diplomatic, informed, and dare I say
 > it, adult fashion.

 > Ya mean to do the "same" as so many of those "adults" on the  
Rethug side of
 > the aisle are so well known for?

Certainly not, there is plenty of lunacy on both sides.  Thank you  
for clarifying.
Nevertheless I don't think you appreciate swing voters and their  

 > I did not feel that another point of view in response was any kind of
 > "baiting".  But, if ya feel that "special", then I may(?) have to  
 > into LDOT as well, if / when I feel inclined to do so. :-)

Sorry, it was not my intent to divert any helpful information from
what I'm sure is a rapt audience at LD.  I thought your post at least
had some substance as opposed to some of the one sentence sound bites
that originally "baited" my responses.

Being a contrarian is an occasional hobby of mine, and it never fails  
to amuse.
So if ya want ta fuck with me, ya know where I am :-)

All the best,