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Re: bending necks

At 12:02 AM 2/21/98 EST, Marzzz@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 2/19/98 11:18:55 AM, Jonathon wrote:
>>I just realized that this must be absolutely the only list where
>>one can find people debating the merits of bending a Steinberger
>>or Klein neck.  Not that I've any idea of the significance of such
>>Personally, I would never bend the neck on my Klein.  It's got no
>>truss rod and just a few screws keeping it in place.
>Not to mention that this list seems to be the single greatest aggregation 
>Klein Electric Guitar owners in the universe! What is it with Kleins and
>Looping anyway? Is it all DT's fault? 

nah, probably has a lot more to do with musicians who aren't too tied down
by traditions and willing to try new things. Seems that with Kleins the
funny look of it scares a lot of folks off. ("ah, wat da hell is that 
ma? Don' look nuttin' lahk my tele.")  If you can get past that and 
play one, it takes about 3 seconds to decide you need to own one....In 
I don't even think the decision is conscious. Your body gets so happy that
it can finally play an instrument that isn't causing injuries that it just
orders it for you. I'm still not sure what happened. The guitar was in my
hands, I played a minor9 chord, my mouth said something like "gotta have
it," Lorenzo held up an order form and a pen, my hands grabbed it and 
it out. I was merely a witness, with no control over my limbs. I was then
filled with an overwhelming feeling, no an order really, that I must come 
with several thousand dollars. It was somehow implicit that resisting that
order would have very grave consequences....very weird actually....

>Has anyone tried jacking up their car with their Steinberger GL?

No, but old peavey amp heads make good jack stands. Better than cinder
blocks! Real cinder blocks get better tone, though.

Kim Flint                      408-752-9284
Mpact System Engineering       kflint@chromatic.com
Chromatic Research             http://www.chromatic.com