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><< "Good art generates more art" >> > >Ahhh, but bad art also generates more art, both by people who say "that's >not >good art, I'LL show you what GOOD art is", but also by people who say >"damn, I >can do that and get (money/a showing/ a blow job/ fame / infamy) for it!" Didn't mean to suggest a definitive, or exclusive, summing-up of all possibilities--I guess my point is that, at whatever stage one finds oneself, for whatever reason, one useful test of artistic validity is whether or not the experience inspires you to action...again, for whatever reason...maybe it simply makes you feel briefly clearheaded; Paul Klee once described his own state of active grace thus: "...a thousand questions disappear, as if answered." At least for those of us plagued to make things, I find this a more interesting experience than asking "But, is it any good?" Plus an active response has the virtue of being something you just observe in yourself, rather than being something to mull over! dpc