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"The Equipment Buyers Guide". Mpls. MN.55438. This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill: SECTION301 Sender:EBG Publications ------------------------------------------------------ Something for Guitar makers,dealers and collectors Receive our FREE CATALOG! We will send you a copy of the 1999 "Equipment buyers Guide Catalog" simply for asking. ======================================================= Why YOU and why FREE? We simply test market the final catalog before it goes into mass distribution each year. There is nothing to buy.. it's yours FREE for the asking... See something you need or want? We are also open to a little trading. ======================================================== PLUS... A BONUS! . We'll send you a special URL to the hottest "Insiders Monthly Liquidation Web Site" on the net! This is insider information that will amaze co-workers. You'll find deals that will have your competitors green with envy. It's really cool.:-) ======================================================== Here's all you need to do.. #1) Print out this registration form. #2) Fill in the appropriate mailing information #3) Fax to EBG test promo offer guitars-50 at 1-320-485-4860. That's it! You're done. It only takes 30 seconds of your time. COMPANY:_______________________________________ NAME:__________________________________________ TITLE:__________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________ CITY:_______________STATE:________ZIP:____________ PHONE:______________________FAX:________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________ Please check any of the items below your have an interest in Racks ____Conveyor_____Shelving_______forklifts______ Dock Equipment______Office furniture & supplies______ Carousels____Mezzanines _____Other__________________ I would be interested in trading for equipment________ Remove instructions: To be removed from this and any future lists, send a reply to<>withonly the word REMOVE in the subject box or fax us the EMAIL ADRESS to be removed to 1.320.485.4860