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Re: Control voltage source

Check out......

Kenton Pro Solo  http://www.kenton.co.uk

JKJ CV-4 or CV-5  http://www.tiac.net/users/jkjelec

Waldorf Pulse Plus

The Pro Solo & the CVs are midi/cv converters. Each
has an LFO capable of producing a variety of
The Pro Solo & the CV-4 both cost about $200 I

The Waldorf Pulse Plus is an analogue, mono, rack
mounted synth with an on board midi/cv converter. I
think it sells for about $650. You can use its LFO to
control outboard equipment via cv.

The JKJ units are odd in that, other than a knob for
selecting midi channel, there is no built in user
interface. You must have an external midi controller,
(I use an ART X-15 foot controller), to operate them.
I have the CV-5, & use the two expression pedals on
the X-15 to control LFO speed & depth. I can select
different wave forms by sending midi program changes.
My major complaint is that the slowest LFO speed is
only 0.2 Hz. The folks at JKJ are very helpful & will
set the cv output range to your specification before
they ship it.

The major reason I did not buy the Kenton Pro Solo is
that the people there were totally unresponsive to my
email inquiries. All I wanted to know was the range of
speeds for its LFO. Their on-line manual does not
provide this info. I later contacted a Kenton user &
asked him & all he could do was give me his best guess
"by ear" because the info was not included in his
manual. Rumour has it that the slow speed is .06 Hz.
Kenton would not even answer to verify this!

I've heard the Waldorf Pulse Plus described as a
midi/cv converter with an excellent analogue synth
included. While it doesn't provide as many waveforms
as the other boxes, its LFO speed can get down to
0.008 Hz. Like the others, it has a random waveform.
I still might buy one of these.

I hope this info is enough to get you started. I know
where you're coming from. I desired more options for
controlling parameters on my Digitech boxes. I haven't
gotten around to hooking up to my Vortex yet.


--- "K. Douglas Baldwin" <dbaldwin@suffolk.lib.ny.us>
>     I've been searching the Web for a control
> voltage source which I'd like
> to use for a variety of applications. Specifically
> related to looping, the
> dream box would have an output of +5v in a variety
> of waveforms to drive the
> variable low frequency thingie in my
> Bob-Sellon-modded Lexicon PCM-42.
> Currently the PCM-42 has a wave which can oscillate
> the delay in a sine wave
> (the pitch goes uuuuppppp real slow - or fast - and
> bbbaaaacccckkkk
> dddoooowwwnnnn equally so) or square wave (the pitch
> jumps! up! then down!)
> and the depth of the oscillation can be adjusted.
> What I'd like is to have
> all kinds of wave shapes available - sine, square,
> triangle, sawtooth,
> reverse sawtooth, random/noise, and toss in a
> sample-and-hold to boot. I
> suspect that if the frequency of this
> usually-subaudio wave were to get into
> the audio range, things would get very Ring
> Modulated, eh? But I can't seem
> to find a nice pre-built box.
>     The other application for this wonderbox would
> be to control the
> Moogerfooger Ring Mod. I'd like to tune the control
> voltage to very specific
> pitches in the audio range to achieve very
> predictable results. Perhaps a
> keyboard control would be appropriate. BTW, I've
> checked out PAIA
> Electronics for this. No luck.
>     Please, Loopers, please help me in my time of
> need.
> Douglas Baldwin, Alpha male Coyote, the Trickster
> dbaldwin@suffolk.lib.ny.us

John Tidwell

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