Support |
Just wanted to quickly praise Line 6's customer support dept. I ordered the DL-4 expression pedal through mail order, and when it arrived I noticed that part of the rubber pad (the piece with the logo) wasn't fully adhering to the pedal. It wasn't a big deal, it was just one of the corners really, but I could imagine it coming off after several months of regular use. I called Line 6 to ask them about possibly swapping it out, and without an ounce of prodding they agreed. Within a couple of days I got a FedEx form in the mail for overnight delivery of the pedal to Line 6. A new pedal was immediately delivered overnight back to me. The entire process took only two days (slightly less actually) and didn't cost me a cent. Much thanks to Line 6. One wouldn't think that the rubber pad on an expression pedal would be much of a priority but I was happy to be wrong. MikeH