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** miko thought that i was being generous yesterday, i guess i'm gonna feel a little surly (and long-winded) today . . . Yeah... I'm a bit more discouraged and embarrased by the fundamentalist vibe I've been hearing since then. Be careful how you experiment folks... YOU COULD BE NEXT! > So, in trying to understand Gary's comments, we should note that his >(and in fact, my own) expectations were that "music" would be heard last >night... and that the evening was primarily intended to be a "musical" >evening. Hi Kevin... Go buy a record you've already owned if you want something predictable. Adventure starts when your tent is ripped up by a bear and it's raining and birds are shitting head, and you just have to laugh... I wish you (Gary, Kevin) would provide some contrast to measure your comments against. Like maybe comparing Stig and Anna's seeming lack of musicality to another more-successful-in-your-opinion concert and artist. Then we might see the perspective with which you view an event or piece of music. Kevin wrote... >> And Anna, bless her heart, I think she really needed something else >from you last night, Steuart, because all she could do was make goofy >sound effects herself. ** ya know, anna has played with some master musicians in america and europe: peter kowald, david moss, etc. at this point, i may difer to their opinions of her instrument and artistic sesibility/value over yours. I'm sorry... I'm pretty sure Kevin and Gary would probably find Peter Kowald, Sonny Sharrock, Derek Bailey and dozens other musical adventurers unlistenable. But that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Kevin... >> You were the only one who had their hands on a true musical instrument. >She was the icing on the cake - if you weren't making music, then music >would not be had. ** careful, your condescion is showing. plus, anna likes what i do with her. This is priceless... Yeah, poor Anna. The thought that her voice IS an instrument? What a stretch! *-) She's all helpless and you didn't PROTECT her Stig! Where the hell is chivalry when we need it most?! Kevin... >> However, I could see early on that this performance, indeed the whole >evening, was not about music. ** for you. Well... for many it's about checking out babes and umm... killing an evening... sort of a facsimile for a tv set. But you can't change the f***ing channel. I rarely see non-musicians running around with bitchin' bass guitars though... If you had only used your flanger from hell Stig... then they would have been impressed! 8-) Kevin... >> Steuart, I wish you had respected us as an audience a little more to be >a little better prepared than you two were, and to figure out how to make >such unusual instrumentation work together more effectively. It's improv Kevin! I'd respect an improv artist LESS if I knew they had canned their ideas so they could repeat them. Adventure starts when you leave the trail. Many very high-level players make it a point to NOT plan anything and walk out to perform "instant" compositions cold. It's IMPROV with capital letters... not canning a chord progression and then soloing over it (like I sometimes do). You're out there with no net. Try it a few times with an audience... and be sure to do it SOLO so you only have yourself to blame, and see if you don't learn a little humility and empathy for others skills at this type of commitment. ** anna was feeling the burn of being the "entrepaneur" for the evening. if you've ever put on your own gigs, you know what this is like; if you haven't well, you'll just have to wait for that wonderful feeling of anxiety. i feel like you're looking for ammo here . . . Yep... It's exteremly hard to be a patron / booker / stage manager and still have anything left for creative performance. Like I said... commitment to the community of improv is hard work. Kevin... >> Had I been riding herd on your rig last night, Steuart, I would have >been using loops to create rhythmic feels to give a tangible, solid >foundation to the "music" that Anna was creating. In between her "musical >phrases," I would have been adding things on top as well, to enhance >feeling and provide a counterpoint. It would have been great if you two >could have "talked together" during the performance, using your >"instruments"! I liked some of those sound effects you did a lot, but my own opinion is that such effects are a means to an end, not an end in itself. I would have wanted to create enough of a solid sound canvas that both you and Anna could have painted on it at the same time... and in a complementary, musically pleasing way. I would have seen that as my responsibility, since I was the only one actually using a traditional musical instrument. This is pure condescension... ** i'll mention this to her, maybe she'll be interested. She's gonna leave and join an Abba reunion band in her misery after THAT gig! No more Knitting Factory for you Anna! (Soup Nazi mode ON). Oh JOY to be on the Holiday Inn circuit! Kevin! I can't wait to hear you play!... I'm sure I'll be lifted to a higher plane and be grateful to you for the inspiration you provide not only me... but every other adoring person in the room. I've been humbled many times in my life onstage and off... by many masterful players... and have yet to hear any of them espouse such close-minded dogma. Kevin... you're playing the uber-sensitive here and it stinks... In person, you're probably polite to a fault, so as to not EVER offend anyone. But on the internet?! Why NOT?! Have at 'em! The audacity to play so-called music without NOTES?! MELODY?! NO WORDS?! HERESY!!!!! Texture? DON'T EVEN THINK OF IT! Kevin.. >> And if we don't get that, you shouldn't then be surprised if we use the >same vehicle you used to promote the event, to give back to the community >our impressions of the event, perhaps even using rather pointed language. Well as long as it's in the dictionary Kev... Oh yeah... we're going to ram right through the damn wall with that vehicle until we all understand what REAL music is. ** i don't have a problem with that. i don't think that all of you reasoning has been valid, but it' an interesting dialog. hope you don't mind the pointed rebutal. You're far too kind Steuart... >> In this case, the most honest thing about Steuart's gig spam to this >list was that he did, in fact, correctly label it as "spam" when he sent >it to the list. Bile, gagging... (Please be sure to let us know where and when you're gigging Kev!) ** i'm truly sorry that you didn't like the performance; unfortunatly for you, you and gary both decided to come to [probably] the most "out" gig that i've done in the last three months. but . . . . excuse me. how many times do you do anything that "holds value for everyone who attended"? this is just ridiculous to assume that it would. If you feel that you deserve to like everything that you hear or see, go back to what you know. I can accept comments like... "I didn't like it." or... "I hated it." "It's not my style." "I like more definition." "It's difficult listening." "Do you have problems with threats?" "Do dogs howl?" "I'm gonna tell my mom!" "You suck!" Whatever... But when someone presumes to objectively KNOW for all of us what the TRUE definition of (anything) is, I become distrustful and downright wary. History has shown that when a major, powerful, influential, charismatic figure appears and makes these kind of claims, many horrible events and injustices follow. Not to grant that you're major, powerful, influential, or charismatic. May the muse be with you... -Miko Biffle