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RE: Absolute.hu

Okely Dokely...

I've got a hungarian co-worker...so here we go.

"We already experienced that the french musicians are on the top - 
now it comes out that they are getting good in (steel production).

A hometown (decoder) guy produces this machine that is really 
something.  It's a very unique loop sampler, the DJRND3.  check out 
the link to get more info on this thing."

so we put the odd words in parentheses ( ).  The hungarian 
translations are really those words.  we are thinking that it's some 
sort of slang....i wonder what 'steel production' means in the 
slang...does it mean DJ'ing?   my coworker says 'vasgyártásban' 
usually is used to describe something in heavy industry...but she's 
lost touch with alot of slang.

hope this helps,



>Sorry, we've had a go but our multi-lingual sales girl Conny, reckons this
>is Hungarian and it's not a language she speaks.
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Emmanuel PERILLE [mailto:perille@club-internet.fr]
>>  Sent: 23 March 2001 12:50
>>  To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>>  Subject: Absolute.hu
>>  "Absolute : Őrült Franciák: Perille DJRND3
>>  Azt már tapasztalhattuk hogy a francia zenészek ott vannak a
>  > toppon, most az is kiderül róluk hogy a vasgyártásban is
>>  jeleskednek. Egy otthoni megfejtő nem semmi masinát
>>  készített. Ez egy egészen különleges loop sampler, ez a
>>  DJRND3. A linken többet is megtudhatsz a dologról."
>>  Is there eventually some loopers there who could help me to tranlate
>>  please ?
>>  Thanks
>>  EP