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Here goes: SmartEFX PC and MAC Freeware a very creative VST plugin EFX page featuring: 'skidder' skidder turns your sound on & off. While that may not sound very rewarding, you have a great deal of control over the rate, pulsewidth, on/off slope, panning width, etc. You can also relinquish some control to randomization. Skidder can also sync with your song tempo & can be triggered by MIDI notes. 'rezsynth' Rez Synth allows you to "play" bandpass resonant filter banks that process your sound. In the right hosts, MIDI notes can trigger individual filters or banks of filters (up to 30 per note) with controllable frequency separation. 'transverb' transverb is like a delay plugin, but it can play back the delay buffer at different speeds. Think of it like a tape loop with two independently-moving read heads. There are lots of parameters to control and a parameter randomizer for the impatient. Tom's first "released" plugin. Fun! 'buffer overide' Buffer Override can overcome your VST host's audio processing buffer size & then (unsuccessfully) override that new buffer size to be a smaller buffer size. It makes a lot more sense if you just try it out & hear what it does. It can sound like a stuttery vocoder or a stuck beat shuffler or many other delightful things. In certain hosts, you can also "play" Buffer Override via MIDI notes & even sync it to song tempo. 'vst midi app' is a little program that let's you explore the wonders of MIDI-controlled effects. Unfortunately, most VST softwares do not support sending MIDI notes & such to effects plugins, so this is an easy way for you to use our fancy, MIDI-hungry effects if your software can't handle that kind of thing. With VST MIDI, you can play a sound file, load a VST effect, control the effect with a MIDI instrument or the on-screen keyboard, & save the results to a sound file. Next up are two killer programs from Rasmus Ekman (a very nice guy from his e-mails to me) GRANULAB PC FREEWARE is a wonderful Granular Synthesis program (treating audio data as 'grains' of information, allowing for the change of density, pitch, resonance. I've probably got it all wrong, theoretically, but this program has the potential for doing seriously wierd and wonderful things to your .wav or .aiff files. I love it!!! For those familiar with the CT-Collective CD, "Philter PHrenzy" , I used the hell out of this program as well as the next program to create my 'groove' on my contribution "TROIS VOIX". I recieved several e-mails from composers asking "How the hell did you create that loop" which is my idea of a really good time ;-). P.S. I'd be happy to divulge that to anyone who is interested, but as an offtopic post. COAGULA PC FREEWARE is a program that allows you to either use a simple paint program to paint a picture that is then interpreted into sound waves. It also allows you to import a .jpeg which it will then convert to sound. Seriously bent. Another program that has a very intuitive approach to randomness. next up: TEXT ALOUD PC SHAREWARE ($19.95) This app speaks text for you. You can use an evaluation copy of it but I highly recommend buying it (it's really cheap, guys and gals, come on ;-). You can dowload speakers from both sexes from Italy, Spain, U.S., England, Holland,France, Brazil and Germany.........remember, each of these different languages pronounces their vowels and consonants differently and the vowels are all merely comb filterings of pitch through the shape of our mouths. I just finished a piece a few weeks ago, where I typed in random vowel combinations and had the program 'play' them with some really beautiful and unusual melodic effects. A lot of fun as you can radically alter the pitch and speed of the voice: for the next time when you want the radically pitched and slowed down German male voice to tell someone you know, "Luke, I am your father" and finally, because we all must sleep after all, my last for the night: SOFTSTEP PC FREEWARE This is a really intersting random midi generator that uses several different algorhythms to generate a string of constant notes. Sort of a twisted melodic sample and hold. I love listening to a long sequence of fractally generated notes and then go in and grap 16 of them, throw them into ACID as a single loop and then go in and 'grid' them as 16th notes and randomly cut out individual notes to create syconpated rhythms. As you might have gathered, I'm on this 'random' kick lately (when I'm not shedding my acoustic middleeastern chops). That's it for me, yours, Rick Walker (loop.pool)