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Hi all, Long time no see. > I just found a new mastering plug-in that I'm probably going to start using. > It's by Izotope and the plug-in is named Ozone. > The sound quality > is awesome (it uses 64-bit processing) and it features a paragraphic EQ, > loudness maximizer, multiband dynamics, multiband stereo imager (keep the > bass tight, spread the harmonics, etc), multiband harmonic exciter, a > mastering reverb, and spectrum and phase meters all in one plug-in. I really > like the interface, you'll need to see it to understand. > I agree. This is the best all-in-one mastering tool I've seen yet - forget T-rex, (which sounds awful IMHO - so much pumping and wobbliness - completely unusable). If you have the cpu for it, it's currently the last word in mastering. It's almost more intuitive, though nothing about multiband compression and eq will ever be completely devoid of some fumbling around in the dark for me :> > My only complaint is that it's really processor intensive, and I can only > run 4 or 5 of its effects simultaneously in SONAR on my decrepit Pentium II > - 333 MHz with 384 MB of RAM. I'm running SONAR on a system under its > minimum requirements so I guess I shouldn't complain. > Yes - it's a total hog, but that's to be expected - you are running the equivalent of 8 64-bit plugins back-to-back. Ouch. You say you are mastering in sonar. I assume you are you mixing down first? I would recomend using an offline editor, such as sound forge, to use all the processes at once. Using my almost similarly decrepit dual PII 400, I take snippets of the song, stuff them together to make a shorter, newer file with representative portions of each part plus any trouble spots, master that file, and then master the original with the same settings. Jonathan