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Hi Hans... I'm afraid I won't be able to make it at this point. Too many saturday commitments have stacked up in March with my son and wife. Best of luck though and have a GREAT show! -Miko ----- Original Message ----- From: Hans Lindauer <> To: Daniel Seymour <>; Rick Walker <>; Max Valentino <>; Matthias Grob <>; Hans Lindauer <>; Ted Killian <>; Rich Atkison <>; Steven Rice <>; Stan Card <>; Tom Heasley <>; Mark Sottilaro <>; Mark Hamburg <>; Miko Biffle <>; Richard Zvonar <>; Bill Walker <>; <>; Cliff@BienAppraisers <> Cc: Loopers Delight <>; Paul Andreano <> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 11:59 AM Subject: Central Coast Loopfest > Dear Loopers, > > First off, allow me to apologize for not contacting you sooner. I wanted to get > all of my ducks in a row before getting everybody all worked up. > > Things were very touch-and-go over the past week, but we have confirmed World > Drum and Dance Studio (formerly Higher Movement Drum and Dance Studio) on 778 > Francis St. in San Luis Obispo as a final venue for the Loopfest >(although I > rather like Andre's title of "Loopstock"). This spot will give us plenty of > room, and we shouldn't have any complaints from the neighbors. > > The Loopfest will take place on Saturday March 2nd, 2002 from 3-10 pm. Setup > and sound checks will be from 2-3, workshops from 3-4, and performances from > 4-10. Each performer/group will have 30 minutes to do their thing. > > The sound system will be as follows: JBL 1x18", 1x15", 1x12", 1x1.5" per side, > quad-amped, for a total of about 2000W per side. Floor monitors will be JBL > 1x12" + 1x1.5", 600W times two. On your end, hopefully you will be >giving me > either a stereo pair (or mono) on 1/4" phone plugs or XLR, or else I can mic a > cabinet or three. Also, please try to consolidate your power into a single > plug, if possible. If you have special needs, please let me know ASAP >and > chances are that I can accommodate you (i.e. tables, blacklights, etc.). > > I will have a video projector there, so if you are accustomed to working with a > video backdrop (or want to), we can do that. Bring a tape, DVD, or laptop. > > I'm trying to get someone to record the whole festival to DAT or hard drive, but > I haven't confirmed anything yet. Any volunteers? Also, I encourage everyone > to bring their cameras and/or video cameras for posterity. > > For anyone in town Friday night March 1st, armatronix will be performing > loop-based electronic dance music at Sweet Springs Saloon in Los Osos >from > 9-1:30ish. This will be a fundraiser for the Loopfest, but loopers will be > provided a secret password to get in for free. Sweet Springs is an easy walk > from Armatron Studios, the home for homeless and/or drunken loopers on >the > Central Coast. > > ***** At this time, I need to confirm everybody who is planning on performing > so that I can come up with a schedule of performances and also spam the media. > Please provide me with a group name or alias if you will be using one. >In > addition, I would like a brief (half-page maximum) bio from everyone so that I > can start to spam the local media and make a festival program. Include your > contact information. Please try to get me this info by Thursday, if at all > possible. Also, please let me know approximately how much space you will need > to set up. > > If there are any questions, feel free to e-mail me at (or > on weekends), or call (805)534-1009 evenings/weekends. > > I look forward to seeing you all! > > Yours, > > -Hans Lindauer > > P.S. I'll carbon-copy this to Looper's Delight, so sorry to everybody >who gets > this one twice. >