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Re: Please lets all sit together now and define what we do!

On Monday, October 14, 2002, at 09:48  PM, Goddess wrote:

>  With a lot of
> pop, it's more of the hook and vocal, and visual performance.  All of 
> these
> use loops extensively, but none seem to stress the idea of the loops
> themselves, or their evolution like so called loopers do.  Does this 
> make
> sense?

I think it's not about the importance or the evolution of the loops 
that define what we do.  It's the fact that we do it in a real time 
situation.  That's the beauty and the fun of looping right?  If not, 
why would I have purchased my Repeaters?  I've got a very nice hard 
disk recording setup and the ability to loop patterns until the cows 
come home.  I could simulate the effect of how I use a Repeater... but 
would it be the same?  I think no.  What's different is the live 
interaction between my current self, and the self of a few seconds (or 
minutes!) ago.  I'm a new and different person, yet here are my actions 
haunting me.  I must deal with them.  I must make them understand what 
I've become.  Together we are making the future.  This is the 

The EDP: Send the immediate future some music...

What would the you of 198 seconds from now think of the current you?
Find out with Gibson's EDP.

Those who don't study their past are doomed to repeat it.  Save 
yourself the time and toil with Gibson's new EDP!

Like 12 Monkeys, but with a groove... mmm twelve grooving monkeys...

Mark Sottilaro