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Re: OT: ironically enough, ethernet guitars

They use Ethernet only for the low-level hardware (PHY) of the interface, 
as a way to piggy back on existing devices. But you can't plug it into any 
Ethernet network. It has to be totally dedicated to only doing Magic and 
nothing else can be on there or it won't work. It says this in section 4 
their spec. The layers above the hardware are proprietary, and I don't 
think you can use just any old Ethernet equipment. It has to be a Magic 
device. It isn't really networking in the sense I would want. Its more of 
proprietary digital connection using Ethernet hardware for convenience.


At 02:10 PM 1/27/2003, Michael LaMeyer wrote:
>Kim convinced me that the inherent latency of Ethernet is a problem
>vis-a-vis timely delivery of audio and other time critical data streams.
>Looks like Gibson is charging ahead anyway.  Any ideas if this is just
>steamware, and how they may be addressing latency?

Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com